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Hope is that companies can be directly compared on performance against sector peers.
Headshot of Francis Condon
UBS AM's head of thematic engagement discusses the difficulty of attributing impact and his experiences with CA100+.
Overwhelming majority of firms fail to meet Just Transition indicators in first publication of revised benchmark.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: CA100+ publishes diversified mining net-zero standard; PGGM criticises CA100+ signatories’ voting patterns; Fidelity expands Article 9 fund range.
Exit sign
Three investors are no longer signatories to the climate collective engagement initiative.
Group will now expect disclosures on flagged votes and rationales from leads, drops three pipeline firms from focus list.
'We're at a crossroads in engagement with the oil & gas sector', says Matthews after this week's 'chaotic' Shell AGM.
Evaluations on all focus companies against the benchmark expected this autumn.
Oil pipelines isolated on blue sky
Kinder Morgan confirmed to be dropped from the list as around 10 companies added and removed for the launch of Phase 2 in June.
Vision Super’s CIO tells RI that it ‘makes no sense’ for ISS to ‘pursue different strategies in its sustainable and main advice’ at the Aussie oil giant.

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