Editorial outline published for September launch of ESG Magazine

Issue 1 will be published for the PRI in Person conference on September 8/9 in London.

The editorial outline is now available for the inaugural issue of ESG Magazine, the new quarterly print publication being launched in September by Response Global Media (RGM), the parent company of Responsible Investor.
ESG Magazine is the first print magazine dedicated to sustainability in the capital markets. It is led by RI Managing Editor, Hugh Wheelan, co-founder of Response Global Media, who is Launch Editor for the new title. He will be backed by RGM’s team of award-winning journalists.
The magazine will be sent free-of-charge to a database of 8,000+ RI subscribers and signatories of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment.
ESG Magazine marks a move to long-form journalism in a print and multi-media format as RGM supports the deepening of market understanding around environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in finance.
It broadens ESG media coverage across responsible investment & insurance, sustainable banking, impact investing and social finance, and corporate governance and sustainability.
ESG Magazine will be launched at the PRI in Person conference (8-10 September) in London, The magazine is also free electronically to individuals who sign up for it on request via online registration. It will also have its own dedicated web channel.
The September launch issue covers the huge regulatory changes in Europe around sustainable finance. The issue is titled: “European Capital Markets Union: A game-changer for sustainable finance?”

Link to the cover, media and distribution info for the ESG Magazine launch Magazine is split into three sections: Trends, Feature and Analysis.
Articles in the first issue of ESG Magazine include:


  • ESGlobal: Visual overview of the most important ESG (environmental, social and governance) developments of the last quarter.
  • Asset Classroom: Infrastructure and the Universal Ownership Hypothesis.
  • Responsible investment & insurance: No more quarterly company reporting?
  • Sustainable banking: Meet the millennials: high net worth sustainable investors.
  • Impact investing and social finance: The future of the Social Impact Bond.
  • Corporate sustainability: Business and the imperative of human rights.

European Capital Markets Union: A Game Changer for Sustainable Finance?

  • Interview with Jeroen Hooijer, Head of Unit, European Commission: Company law, corporate governance, money laundering and social responsibility.
  • Sustainability and long-term financing of the European economy: Juncker’s Capital Markets Plan
  • The Shareholder Rights Directive: what could it mean for asset managers and corporate governance?
  • Proxy voting and corporate governance changes
  • Country-by-country financial reporting: the EU, OECD and tax.
  • EU Alphabet soup: EuVECAs, EuSEFs and EuLTIFs for venture and social finance.
  • The state of play of extra-financial information reporting for companies
  • Women on boards quotas: voluntary action, regulatory steps…
  • The changing face of investment research, and MIFID as a driver.
  • How is the EU shifting private finance towards climate friendly investments?
  • ESG in PRIIPS: packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs)


  • Project Delphi: How ESG “super-factors” can add long-term corporate value and how they can be measured. Interview with Rick Lacaille, Chief Investment Officer, State Street Global Advisors.
  • PRI in Person: Op-Ed by Fiona Reynolds, Managing Director, PRI.
  • Academic Digest: The evolution of the PRI Academic network: to be followed each month by digests of the most relevant ESG academic research.
  • Research spotlight: The insurance sector: Solvency II and climate risks.
  • The Contrarian: Anonymous contribution on a controversial topic. This month: “Engagement doesn’t work”
  • Nick Robins: Update on the Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System.
  • ESG Café: Book reviews and the lighter side of ESG life.

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