Novethic | Investing with a purpose: Analyzing European Asset Owners’ Contribution to the SDGs

In the responsible investment world, the model has historically been developed around ESG dimensions (Environment, Social and Governance). In the context of the UN new emerging paradigm, it is thus interesting to study whether the SDGs have been integrated into investors’ strategies and in what way. This study therefore focuses on the 228 European Asset Owners that had signed the PRI – “the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment”1 – by December 2018. More specifically, these Asset Owners, were chosen out of the 1,090 European Asset Owners and Asset Managers, for two reasons. To begin with, they are in a good position to orientate Asset Managers towards integrating broader objectives in their investment policy. Furthermore, they have a longer investment horizon, which is more naturally aligned with the SDGs’ timeframe. Click here to view the report

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