RI INSIGHT DENMARK: asset owner leaders in ESG and renewables is a collection of exclusive RI asset owner interviews with Denmark’s biggest pension funds: ATP, Unipension, PKA, PBU, PFA and PensionDanmark. In 2009, the Danish government allowed UN-sponsored PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) or UN Global Compact membership to represent a company’s legal corporate social responsibility requirement. It led to a significant move by Danish asset owners to sign up to the PRI, joining peers who had been at the forefront of the PRI’s genesis. Today, Denmark has 15 PRI asset owner signatories – one of the biggest country asset owner representations. RI went to Denmark to interview six of them face-to-face. Danish asset owners have been leaders in investment in renewable energy; often clubbing together on deals. They have also been at the forefront of ESG integration in their investment processes. This second RI Insight special on Denmark (following RI Insight Part 1 on Ireland’s renewable energy renaissance) looks at the ingredients that have made Denmark a leader in responsible investment, and examines what the future holds.

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