HomeRI ResourceKempen Capital ManagementKempen Real Estate Update: Tracking & Engaging: Our approach to getting Real Estate Paris-Proof
Research and White Paper

Man-made climate change produces the largest challenge for our generation. The quest to align the economy in all its complexity with a new, carbon-neutral reality is cumbersome and has many an obstacle. We, as investors are at the precipice of a new age, where the goal is no longer merely about short-term financial returns, but using our power as asset allocators to guide our society to a more sustainable future. At the Kempen Real Assets team, we aspire to meet this challenge head-on, by actively engaging with companies and funds in the Real Assets sector to better participate in the energy transition. This piece discusses some of the initial findings from our sector-wide engagement, in the Real Estate sector specifically.

CATEGORIES: Environmental: The Paris Agreement Environmental: Climate Asset Classes: Real Estate Environmental: Carbon