Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis | The Case for Climate Action

The climate crisis threatens our lives and livelihoods. The evidence is clear: we must flatten the warming curve, and fast. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),1,2 the U.S. National Climate Assessment,3,4 and other reports give us the scientific imperative for action. It is scary stuff. But too much of the climate movement of the past was about what climate change is doing to us, and not about what climate action will do for us. Taking action does not require austerity and scarcity. Done well, it will result in more wealth, more fairness, better jobs, and more security for every American. We already have the technologies needed to avert catastrophe. We just need the American optimism and the political will to deploy them on an unprecedented scale. To ignite this transition, we need Congress to act. This report provides a framework for Congress to finally do what is necessary to build the clean energy future we all deserve

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