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The sub-prime crisis has re-opened questions about the quality and independence of sell side research.
After 25 years of solid returns, fund plans to increase risk and looks to private equity and hedge funds.
Fund investment committee to consider sweating the assets to take advantage of strong performance at lower risk.
Alex van der Velden, executive director of FairPensions talks disinvestment, defined contribution, and benchmarking pension funds and asset managers for sustainability.
Sally Bridgeland, CEO of BT pension trustees explains how the oil and gas company is exploring SRI within the scheme.
Corporate social responsibility is everywhere, but companies are failing to spot the potential for their pension funds.
The RI news you may have missed this week.
Live and recently finished responsible investment mandate hires.
Rob Lake, senior portfolio manager for environmental, social and governance at ABP, the €221bn ($311bn) pension fund for Dutch civil servants, talks clean tech, engagement and cluster bombs.
Investment opportunities are ripe, but it pays to know the CSR terrain.

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