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Human Rights

Due diligence requirements in the EU will put the mining industry’s record in the spotlight as demand for critical minerals builds.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: JPMorgan and Wells Fargo due to leave SFOF, UN chief calls for tax on polluters.
Moves come as a UN report confirmed evidence of slave labour against Muslim minority groups.
Proposed 'Business, Human Rights and Environment Act' should be aligned with UN, OECD and other international frameworks, investor group urges.
Japan’s trade ministry closes feedback on human rights due diligence guide.
Norwegian asset manager also puts wind provider Eolus Vind on notice over concerns about indigenous people's rights.
US SRI firm learns lessons from Russia and excludes Chinese and Hong Kong stocks over risks posed by 'authoritarian' regime.
AXA IM, EOS at Federated Hermes and NEI Investments will continue to engage the tech giant.
Scottish Widows, Schroders, Railpen, Nest, Ninety One and the Environment Agency Pension Fund amongst founding participants.
News comes as CCLA-led group puts UK's largest listed companies on notice.

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