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Pension funds

EU asset owners welcome membership for firm’s international arm; New York City slams move while Republican treasurers claim victory.
State's $94bn fund to examine transition readiness of sectors and may divest poor performers as part of wider net-zero strategy.
The move follows PFZW's divestment of the oil major, along with 309 other Paris non-aligned oil and gas companies.
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Market welcomes clarification around sustainability issues from the independent Financial Markets Law Committee.
dial with CO2 written on it is being turned all the way down
UN Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance publishes a call to action to investment managers.
A tree-shaped lake in the midst of healthy and lush nature serving as a metaphor for sustainable logging. 3d rendering
Californian pension giant is taking a year to educate itself on the 'complex' topic, mulls membership of collaborative groups.
The latest ESG movers and shakers: Singhal leaves Lazard AM amid sustainability business overhaul; NZAOA announces 2024 working track leads.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: AMNT backs standardised vote reporting legislation; Aussie financial watchdog expects boards to engage with all sustainability claims.
New York City Comptroller office shifts focus with pioneering resolution at six North American banking heavyweights, including JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs.
The latest developments in sustainable finance: NA100 announces 10 new participants; Investors tell UK debt management office to build out yield curve for green gilts.

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