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In recent years, the money invested in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) funds has increased exponentially. As banks and investors pivot towards ESG, companies are, in turn, increasing their focus on best practice in the sustainable debt markets. Increasingly reliable data and more sophisticated analytics tools are helping to fuel this trend as financiers step up their benchmarking activities in the bond and loan markets. With new challenges and opportunities in sustainable finance occurring because of commitments and pledges from COP26, lenders and investors from major financial institutions will play a pivotal role. Growth in ESG assets shows no signs of abating, and as more investors use ESG criteria to drive decisions, are you ready to take action in 2022? Featuring: Noel Hughes - Partner - Finance, Vinson & Elkins Caitlin Snelson - Senior Associate Finance, Vinson & Elkins Michaela Seimen - Executive Director, Sustainable Debt Strategist, UBS Will Prentis, Investment Analyst, Wellington Management Moderated by Tony Hay, Joint Managing Director, Responsible Investor
The demand for sustainable investments is booming. As such, ESG derivatives play a growing role in the ecosystem as investors seek capital-efficient tools that enable the development of sustainable portfolios. Join CME Group, and Responsible Investor, for a live webinar and Q&A session discussing the latest developments in sustainable investing and capital efficient tools that support the market. CME Group will provide an update on the performance and liquidity of their market-leading ESG investment solutions across equity and commodity markets, including E-mini S&P 500 ESG futures and CBL Voluntary Carbon Offset futures. A panel of industry experts will discuss opportunities and challenges in the ecosystem, including the impacts of recent regulatory initiatives, and share how ESG investments plays a role their portfolio allocation decisions. Lastly, the panel will provide their outlook on what to expect in sustainable investing in 2022. Instructions on joining this online event will be provided following registration. Featuring: Owain Johnson, MD Research and Product Development – CME Group Paul Woolman, Senior Director, Equity and Alternative Index products – CME Group Despina Xanthopoulou, Director, Business Development and Sustainability – Lynx Asset Management Jason Nelson, Senior Portfolio Manager – Parametric
Sustainable investing (SI) fund labels have gained significant prominence in recent years as tools to provide transparency and drive capital towards the sustainability transition. Belgium’s Towards Sustainability label, Germany and France’s SRI and Greenfin labels are just some examples from a long list that continues to proliferate. At the same time, the labels form a highly divergent and fragmented landscape, potentially causing major drawbacks for both investors and the SI agenda at large. A recent publication by Qontigo’s sustainable investment team examines the criteria used in the 12 most important frameworks setting standards for SI products in Europe, where most of the effort has been concentrated to date. The study provides a like-for-like comparison of exclusionary criteria and portfolio-construction techniques as applied in each individual label. On February 24, 2022, we are bringing together a panel representing regulatory and standard-setting authorities and investment management experts to discuss the following topics: -What are the existing labels’ aims? Which criteria are aligned with each other and where do they diverge? -Is it feasible to design a financial product that aligns with all labels? What are the implications for the scalability of SI products? -What are the pros and cons of attempting to limit the number of labels to the bare minimum through standardization, as opposed to encouraging divergence on the grounds that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to SI? -What does this all mean for the ultimate goal of transitioning to a more sustainable economy? Featuring: Markus Zellmann Regulatory Advisor/Senior Vice President, Deutsche Börse Group Tom Van den Berghe Director Sustainable Finance, Febelfin Guy Janssens Head of the Investment Specialists, BNP Paribas Fortis NV Moderated by: Anna Georgieva Associate Principal, Sustainable Investment, Qontigo
Executives from RepRisk discuss their methodology addressing the challenges surrounding the reliability, timeliness, coverage, and transparency of ESG data, and also talk about Jupyter notebooks and their use cases.
Join Dr. Maximilian Horster, Head of ISS ESG, and Bonnie Saynay, Global Head of ESG Investor Research & Data Strategy, as they discuss likely areas of focus for ESG investing in 2022 and how institutions can prepare for the challenges ahead.
Key findings from Northern Trust Asset Management’s deep dive analysis of more than 200 institutional portfolios, providing insight into how ESG is impacting portfolio construction and investment outcomes.
A practical guide to applying EU Taxonomy standards: Join us as we discuss the regulatory environment, state of corporate disclosure and data usage and development.
The world’s four largest carbon emitters have significant 2030 targets which must be hit if there’s hope of achieving longer-term net zero goals, but are they achievable? What regulatory levers are likely to be deployed? What are the consequences for investors?
This webinar will be broadcast in Japanese. 開催日時:2021年12月9日(木) 日本時間 午後1時-2時 世界的な気候変動リスク・地球温暖化と、脱炭素の流れの中でCOP26が終了し、各国が2050年カーボンニュートラルに向けて動きを加速し始めました。企業は気候リスクが将来のビジネスに与えるリスクおよび機会を経営戦略として考慮することが必須となり、TCFD等にしたがって開示することが求められるようになっています。日本でも2022年4月からスタートする東京証券取引所の新市場区分においてプライムに属する企業に対して、TCFDに準拠した気候リスク・収益機会の開示をおこなうことがコーポレート・ガバナンス・コードに盛り込まれました。企業にとって、TCFDに基づく気候変動リスクの開示や脱炭素に向けた移行・機会にどう対応すべきか、投資家は投資ポートフォリオにおける気候変動リスクと機会をどう考えるべきか、運用者は気候変動リスクを考慮してどのような投資商品を投資家に提供していくのかなどが喫緊の課題となっています。こうした課題の最前線に立つ様々な分野の専門家をお迎えし、脱炭素社会に向けた移行・機会と資産運用について、ロンドン証券取引所グループ傘下のインデックス・プロバイダーであるFTSE Russell が、オンラインセミナーを行います。 アジェンダ: オープニング FTSE Russell 日本代表 多湖 理 ビデオメッセージ Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI)会長 兼 英国国教会年金理事会(CEPB)最高投資責任者 アダム マシューズ様 プレゼンテーション “低炭素への移行をパッシブポートフォリオにと入り入れる - FTSE TPI Climate Transition インデックス” FTSE Russell サステナブル投資部門 日本代表 森敦仁 パネルディスカッション “TCFDに基づく気候関連リスクの開示 - 脱炭素社会に向けた移行・機会と資産運用” パネリスト: 第一生命保険株式会社 責任投資推進部長 石井博子 様 野村アセットマネジメント株式会社  責任投資調査部 シニアESGスペシャリスト 山我哲平 様 KPMG あずさサステナビリティ株式会社 アシスタントマネジャー  岩井美緒 様 モデレーター: FTSE Russell サステナブル投資部門 日本代表 森敦仁  ※ 同業他社のお申込みはお断りさせて頂きます。
Keep on top of the myriad of ESG developments bolstered by fresh fiscal and policy stimulus from the new administration at RI USA 2021.

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